1 year +38 days - Image 1

1 year +38 days

Posted on: 05/05/2015

Ava has been very well this last week and it would seem that any signs of illness have passed. Angelina has stayed well also, which was a big relief as I have been a little slower to recover. Ava and I both welcomed a change to our usual routine last week, as we experimented with early morning OT sessions to see if this had a beneficial impact on Ava's concentration and focus at school. Instead of staying at school until just after lunch and then heading off for our daily session, we went to OT immediately after dropping Angelina at school and then returned to school by the mid-morning break. Ava certainly seemed fine and full of energy and was very happy to be at school in the afternoons. She also really enjoyed the lessons which she usually misses, especially art and drama, and was delighted to be picked up at the same time as all of her school friends. I'm going to try now to see if we can make some permanent changes to our appointments, which should hopefully work better for everyone. We have had a nice, quiet bank holiday weekend. We went to the Canal Cavalcade at Little Venice, where Ava discovered Candyfloss for the first time. She is now "off sugars" for a few days! 

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