Day +350 - Image 1

Day +350

Posted on: 13/03/2015

I'm happy to say that the last week or so has been a really positive time for Ava. Post-transplant we noticed that had become increasingly quiet and we had assumed that this was all part of the degenerative effects of the disease, alongside difficulties with balance, coordination and processing speed. After an assessment by a Speech and Language therapist however, it was deemed that Ava has no issues with the ability to articulate speech, she just needs work on her breath patterns, which are having a big impact on the frequency and volume of her speech. Incredibly, after just one session Ava was talking much more and with a definite increase in volume. School immediately noticed that instead of remaining relatively silent in the classroom as usual, she was quick to put up her hand to answer and ask several questions. Her occupational therapist also noticed a big difference. I asked Ava what she had done during the session and she said "I got Ava back". It has been marvellous to hear her being talkative again and even though it means that we have yet another therapy to squeeze into our already packed schedule, we have happily added on a weekly Speech and Language session. Ava was also thrilled to take part in the school Gym and Dance display this week, where she performed a few simple balances in the 'China' routine. Her classmates were extremely caring and supportive with her and she was beaming with pride. Ava was also delighted to have a trip to the park with her best friend Luisa and being able to explore the gardens and navigate the climbing frame, albeit slowly, made her feel super happy. 

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