Day +90 - Image 1

Day +90

Posted on: 26/06/2014

I cannot believe we are at 90 days post-transplant! This is the number we knew we would have to get to before Ava's 3 month post checks could begin, the final hurdle before coming home. There is no denying that the past 90 days have been very tough at times, however Ava's staggering bravery has certainly made things easier for me. The exceptional care we have received at Hospital San Raffaele has also undoubtedly helped both of us to stay positive. Today was a long day at the hospital, filled with various assessments of Ava's nervous system. Francesca hung out with us and did some fun mirror games with Ava, which were a form of therapy for coordination. Afterwards we met with the charming Edoardo from Fondazione Telethon, who have funded the research into Ava's treatment and whom ArchAngel are very proud to be raising funds for. We have so much to be grateful for, not least their philosophy that "Every individual counts", without which Ava and the other Gene Therapy children would not have been given this precious chance of life.

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