Happy Birthday Ava! - Image 1

Happy Birthday Ava!

Posted on: 24/11/2014

Today was Ava's 8th birthday and she has had a very happy day, the highlight of which was the entire school singing 'Happy Birthday' to her at lunchtime. She is normally embarrassed by a lot of attention, but this made her feel extremely loved and special. We are fortunate enough to have a wonderfully supportive school, with a tight knit community of very caring girls. We also celebrated last week with a small 'Frozen' themed party, which Ava has been planning since our time in hospital in March. It was a great success, complete with snow machine and an advance copy of the 'Frozen Singalong' DVD, thanks to some incredibly kind friends in high places. These last few days have been filled with joy and laughter and many reasons to count our blessings.

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